Positive impact is a fact

Research consistently supports the positive impact of developmental care for autism support. Numerous studies highlight improvements in communication skills, social interactions, and overall functioning in individuals receiving targeted interventions. Beginning early and tailoring the approach to each person provides space and motivation to grow and experience lasting developmental changes, and it's not just them who benefit – it's a win for the whole family.

The power of play is real

DIR and developmental approaches have had a decades-long uphill battle for recognition, but research shows that developmental approaches should be preferred as highly effective treatments. These resources clearly validate the fact that developmental behavioral interventions are increasingly being recognized in the highest tier of efficacy and supported research among autism treatments.

PLAY Project Home Consultation Intervention

This randomized controlled study demonstrates that parents involved in the PLAY Project Intervention, a parent-implemented developmental and relationship-based approach for young children, parents were able to be more sensitive (able to read their child’s cues), more responsive (able to follow child’s intentions), and more effective (able to get more back and forth interactions going with their child). The study also demonstrated a reduction in depression for the families.

Project AIM: Autism Intervention Meta-Analysis for Studies of Young Children

This meta-analysis investigates autism interventions used, finding significant positive effects for developmental and naturalistic developmental interventions.

Evidence-Based Practices for Children, Youth, and Young Adults with Autism

Parent-Implemented Interventions as well as Naturalistic Interventions such as developmental approaches have been added to the Evidence-Based Practices for children, youth, and young adults with autism This report endorses a new approach to evidence-based practices, which demands that family culture and values be part of the decision making in truly informed consent processes. Taken together with Project AIM, this study begs for developmental or naturalistic developmental-behavioral approaches to be the first line treatments for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Identification, Evaluation, and Management of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

American Academy of Pediatrics outlines guidance regarding identification, evaluation, and management of children with autism spectrum disorder, including the use of developmental approaches.

Evidence Base for the DIRFloortime® Approach

This is a comprehensive paper examining the research base for DIR.

DIR® and DIRFloortime® Evidence-Base Quick Facts

Here is a simple fact sheet on the evidence base for DIR, including all relevant citations.

Developmental Social Pragmatic Interventions for Preschoolers with ASD

A systematic review of developmental social pragmatic interventions for preschoolers with autism spectrum disorder.

Can Children with Autism Master the Core Deficits and Become Empathetic, Creative, and Reflective?

This article demonstrates that when using the DIR approach, children with ASD can become empathetic, creative, and reflective, with healthy peer relationships and social academic skills. This suggests that some children with ASD can master the core deficits and reach levels of development formerly thought unattainable.

Effects of Parental Depression Symptoms on Parents and Children with ASD

This study shows that parents experiencing depression (which may impact their ability to support their child with autism) who learned to implement developmental approaches (PLAY Project) with their child were not only still able to successfully deliver intervention, but their levels of depression also decreased as a result.