Additional Support

Positive Prep

Our Positive Prep preschool readiness program provides a safe, supportive, play-based experience that fosters relationships, self-awareness, empathy, communication, and physical development. Help your child prepare for successful school and community experiences.

As part of our broader curriculum, Positive Prep is tailored to complement the Core Developmental Care Program. It is not provided as a stand-alone service; instead, it is prescribed based on careful assessment of each child's individual needs to ensure a well-rounded and effective developmental support system.

What is Positive Prep?

Our Positive Prep preschool readiness program is designed to offer a nurturing and engaging environment that enhances early childhood development through play-based learning. By focusing on fostering relationships, self-awareness, empathy, communication, and physical development, this program ensures a well-rounded preparation for entering school. The activities are strategically developed to support developmental milestones in a fun and inclusive setting, allowing children to learn and grow at their own pace.

Goals of Positive Prep

We seek to empower parents and school caregivers to support their children and students to reach their highest potential. We emphasize building authentic relationships to help individuals feel safe, competent, and able to participate more fully in the world around them. Key goals are to:

  • Promote working independently

  • Empower the child to be socially successful

  • Aid them in managing being part of a group

  • Support administrators, teachers, and parents in applying developmental principles to support participation

  • Establish a recommended care plan and environmental modifications to support development and growth

What is Positive Prep like for the child?

Positive Prep is designed to create an engaging and nurturing environment for preschool-aged children, making their learning experience both enriching and enjoyable. The program combines structured and free play, tailored to support each child's developmental needs while making the process fun and exciting.

Progress that feels like play may include:

  • Playing hide and seek

  • Sensory exploration activities

  • Exploring new foods

  • Sensor-motor exploration of equipment

  • Art and play

Additional services

As part of our broader curriculum, our additional services are offered to complement the Core Developmental Care Program as prescribed by your child's care team.

Mental Health

The hallmark of a child’s general prosperity. Mental health affects the ability to manage emotions and behavior. Our goal is to foster calm and confidence.

Speech & Language

Includes communication and the expression of needs and emotions. Communication can be verbal or nonverbal and we aim to improve both.


How the child interacts with the world around them via emotional regulation, sensory processing, motor skills and planning. Our goal is to make daily life easier.

Feeding Therapy

At Positive Development, we use fun, non-stressful activities to help children with eating difficulties develop healthy habits.

Autism Diagnosis

An early autism diagnosis is crucial, as it enables families to access specialized support and interventions that are vital for addressing the child’s unique needs effectively.

Interested to learn more?

We’d love to learn more about the needs of your family. Reach out at any time.
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Our Story

Professional and administrative support every step of the way