Positive Development: Cause and Community Is Our Core

June 5, 2024

At the core of Positive Development is a cause that we’ve devoted our professional lives to: expanding access to developmental supports for families and helping to build connections and empower positive outcomes.

Driving that vision is the supportive community of clinicians, therapists, specialists, and professionals that make up our Positive Development team.

Everyone needs a job to support themselves, but there are a lot of vocational choices in our modern world. What made Positive Development employees choose us over other options? At Positive Development, people join our team for two reasons: cause and community.

“You can't separate our people from our mission,” says Mike Suiters, Chief Executive Officer of Positive Development. “I think there are a lot of companies in healthcare out there that incrementally change things. It's just so fun to be able to work with a group that is this passionate about really making a big change in the industry that we work in — a big fundamental change.”

To support this cause, we’ve built a community based on five key values: authenticity, respect, joy, team-first, and growth-mindedness. Each tenet carries over into the next: When you are respected at work, you can bring your authentic self. There’s no masking at Positive Development. When you can be yourself at work — from being silly to sharing what makes you you — work becomes joyous rather than a chore. It helps that our work with clients is based on play and is simply a lot of fun. That playfulness is carried over into meetings and other interactions.

Finally, authenticity in a team-first environment allows us to be vulnerable and grow. Just as we aim to create comfortable environments where our clients and families can grow and connect, our staff can do the same. You can rely on your colleagues to answer questions, provide help and second and third options, and share positive feedback and ideas that lead to growth.

Creating a company that leads with respect, authenticity, joy, and growth allows us to not just enjoy our days, but to bring our best selves to our clients. We encourage self-care and support to prevent exhaustion and burn-out. Joy is a part of our days because we want to lead by example and bring joyful interactions to clients and their families.

To learn more about the culture of Positive Development and what it’s like to work here, we’ve asked several of our staff members. Check out the short videos below and consider joining the team! You can view our open listings here.

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