A Look Back at 2021

June 5, 2024

Note from the CEO

2021 has been another big year of growth, excitement, and change for Positive Development. When we first started the company in the fall of 2019, we hoped to be up and running in one location and serving 20 families by the end of 2021. This goal was thought up pre-pandemic: before social distancing, Zoom calls, and mask-wearing were fixtures of our daily lives. Despite those additional challenges, we are going to end 2021 serving five of the largest cities in the country and over 325 families. Am I bad at forecasting or what?! In hindsight, I totally underestimated how well – and how quickly - our vision and service would resonate with families, advocates, potential employees, and health insurance partners. We are so grateful to our incredible community for your trust and support in 2021, and we strive to again exceed expectations in 2022!

With gratitude,

Mike Suiters, CEO

Art By Libby Parent

Our Blog

  1. Accept & Embrace Neurodiversity - Beyond April
  2. On Meltdowns & Masking      
  3. Pure Joy in Progress      
  4. Nothing About Us Without Us      
  5. Behind the Scenes Highlights at Profectum’s Annual Educators Conference      

For more, check out the rest of our blog!

Our Livestreams

  1. The Future is Neurodiverse
  1. Autism and Mental Health
  1. Celebrating Disability Awareness Month
  1. Overcoming Shutdowns through Movement Therapy
  1. Preparing for Parent Teacher Conferences

For more video content, subscribe to our channel on YouTube!


  1. PD Extravaganza (Chicago)
  2. Profectum Conference
  3. Fabulous Floridians Halloween Outing
  4. SOS Approach to Feeding
  5. California Clinicians Retreat

Don’t forget you can always visit our website where you’ll find our introductory video, flyers, informational webinar recordings, and more!

And follow us on social media if you haven’t yet! 2021 was amazing, and we’re just getting started. You won’t want to miss out on 2022 with #TeamPD!

Facebook     Twitter     LinkedIn     Instagram     YouTube    

We believe everyone deserves access to autism services. Help us get the word out on a new model of care in autism – The Positive Way – by reviewing us on Glassdoor and Google: Illinois, California, Florida, New Jersey.

Thank you so much and have a wonderful holiday season and a very

Happy New Year!

Interested to learn more?

We’d love to learn more about the needs of your family.
Reach out at any time.
Schedule a call